Miami, FL
Miami, FL
Miami, FL
Miami, FL
The interior design project for the party room of The Courts at Brickell Key proposes the generation of multiple environments with diverse levels of intimacy within one whole space.
Four existing massive columns originally seen as spatial obstruction are softly dressed with elegant dramatism of illuminated white curtains. They are the backdrop that orients the circulation into unique episodes of social interaction.
The "theatrical glamour" manifested through a subtle low-saturated color palette of furniture and heigh contrast between dark and illuminated white curtains pays homage to live colors, brought into the scene spontaneously animated by the dresses and cocktails of the guests, and the lights of the magic city beyond reflected on the water of the mouth of MIami River.
Spatial versatility is crucial when ballroom-like special events arrive, so columns are undressed and their massiveness vanishes in their new reflective chrome skin, while herringbone-pattern dark floor deviates the attention from the existing columns irregular arrangement.
Beyond the design vision for this space, guest are the real protagonists.